There are many methods to trade. Find one that suit yourself that the most important.Even if you learn a method, make sure you internalise it before starting to trade.All the rules and way to enter and exit must be like your own skin before starting to trade.
Trading is not easy, you need alot of hardwork. if you think that this is a business where you can earn easy money then you are in the wrong business. Trading paint a very easy to earn money image, but it is never easy. You need alot of hard work, as in real hard work.You need to understand the market, the methods of trading, the rules, and why are they like that.Also the psychology side of trading.if it is a easy to earn money business then it wont be the case of 5% of people win money and 95% lose money.
And bcos alot of people think it is easy that why 5% of people win the 95% people's money.
Remember hard work is needed. paper trade for sometime before entering the market.