Bond down stock up...this relationship is presented again over in today market.
i was too busy to really update what my position i have for the laast wk n this wk as of now:
here we go
30 Aug Midas long 0.88
23 Aug indoagri long 2.27 ( i made a mistake to take the trade the last time,tt one that i cut lost in 17 aug, it is pure fully human error)
31 Aug Cosco long1.58
Genting i dint buy, is a powerful stock once again. up 0.11 cent today. Congrate to anyone that have it..wooow...
Market update!!!
The market is like a one day up one day down now. Today the market give a strong up move which if it continue will mean a temporary uptrend.This may sustain for the next 5 weeks. This is the 15 week of the 17 week cycle. 17 week cycle is a reference is not 100% accurate and is an average. Bonds (30 yr Tbond) has drop pretty much today this reinforce that stock are moving up.