Hey folk
Who are the market big boys?
Lets get the insider out, as in the company share buyback, the director or the CEO themselves.
The big boys are usually financial institutions. Which mean to say Banks, insurance company. Of course not forgetting some brokerage firm and prop trading firm. But the major ones are the Banks, insurance company.
Because of their size, they are like a big ship. Wherever they go, they leave a trace. It is hard for a big ship to make a turn which mean to say, when they start buying they cant do it at one go, when they sell they cant do it at one shot too. For small trader like us, we can maneuver, but we are at the mercy of these big players.
For futures trading, there is the commercial, people that use the good to make money. They are the biggest player in the market. And they usually know what is happening all the time.