Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mkt update

Hey folk

I foresee we are going down for another day tomorrow for all markets

I am already in short.

This is not a vote pulling or what. I am a trader and financial advisor, i speak with what i see in the chart. If the ruling party changed, i think i would go full on short on Spore stock market. People investing in unit trust should also change all their fund that associate with Spore out to other funds. Big local companies and foreign investor have dealed with the ruling party for so long and it have become more of a relationship, so changing one may affect the confident.

As a trader or investor, this is an opportunity, not a way to say you are taking advantage of your own country changing of govt.
SGD may too be weaken which will cause inflation to be higher. These few days for SG there is really nothing to go on the long side.

Of course we do not wish these to happen. We need a voice, but we need track records and party that can produced results too. No one is perfect, (if you are please email to tell me the 4D for this sat :) )people make mistakes and that why we are human. Not everyone would benefit from any policies stated out and not all are popular. Eg eating vegetable is good for health but still people dont eat them, smoking is bad for health but still people smoke. I think for man kind, at the end of the day, having the ability to support your family is one of the most important things.

So stay tune. For my clients, i will send you an email on update.